Calculate your spring

We use 1 non-working winding per side, which amounts to a total of 2 non-working coils.
But you can also enter 1.5 completely non-working coils.
Block length LC in mm (all turns pressed together).
It is not recommended that the spring works at block length. There should always be space between the coils.

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Take into account to calculate a good spring:

Compare springs with the same spring rate and the same length and working length, but big difference in lifespan Spring 1 in 3 mm and spring 2 in 1 mm have the same force.

Feather 1

Suppose we don't have much space but the spring must have the same length and working length and the same spring rate as above, the outer diameter only 9.6 mm.


Council: the more wire length in the spring the better.

The condition of a German loop is that the hook length of the loop is 0.8 to 1.1 the inner diameter.